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Palazzo di L dei Conti M

    In a village with less than 1500 inhabitants we found this old palace from the 17th century. It was the summer residency of a count which lived the rest of the year in Turin. Read More

    Villa Beemwee

      Barely anything is know about this villa in the Belgian Ardennes. The building is quite small for a ‘villa’, especially compared to the other villa’s in this particular neighbourhood. Nevertheless, given the style with the ‘grand’ entrance with columns on either side and the richly decorated exterior, I think it deserves to be called a villa. Read More

      Château S

        In the 1640’s, this château was built for a rich family in which it stayed for centuries. In the 1850’s the -also abandoned- coalmine across the street opened and from the early 1900’s the château served as director’s residence. Read More

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