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Jungle School

    With the last hours of daylight, we visited this school. From the road, you’d think this is some kind of abandoned house with nothing too special. But when we came closer we could vaguely see all kinds of painted figures on the outside of the school. It was a small school, with only two classrooms on the ground floor. Both of the classrooms were filled with seats and desks and one of them had a painted wall with all kinds of animals, which was a pretty cool addition to this abandoned classroom. Read More

    Casa Riposo S

      Near the end of the 1870’s an industrialist built a luxurious villa in the mountains near a small community. The villa was surrounded by a beautiful botanical parc and had a stunning central hall with a skylight.

      Today, the large building remains empty. In the later-built wings many of the rooms are the same. By now, many windows have been smashed by vandals who found their way onto the secluded premises and in one wing we found traces of a fire. Only the main entrance and central hall remind of the once glorious villa and were worth photographing. Read More

      Castello Neogotico

        Located on a island, this neogotic castle was built. An already present church and monastery were merged into the new build of which construction began in the 1880’s. It got built as summer residency for a politician and was dedicated to his wife.

        The castle, whose territory occupies about 1/5th of the island, was very luxuriously furnished and housed numerous collections including art, weapons, coins and antiques. Read More

        Cinema d’Altri Tempi

          Right on the main street of a small Italian village, surrounded by shops and restaurants, lies this forgotten cinema. Because of its location right on a busy streets, with cars driving by and people on the terraces it was a challenge to get in quick and unseen. Read More

          Convento dei Morti

            The Convento dei Morti is an abandoned monastery from the 15th century. The courtyard is surrounded by open galleries which are decorated with frescoes from religious caracters and coats of arms of the local noble families. In one of the galleries we found two old hearses. Read More

            Jungle Factory

              Welcome to the mini jungle in this old wool mill, where the old halls are slowly being reclaimed by nature. Ferns and little trees are enjoying the humidity in here and turned the old factory into a little oasis.

              This wool mill was established in the late 19th century and shut down after almost 8 decades of production. A part of the production was already moved to a different location, which kept operating until the end of the century. Read More

              Hotel AV

                Located not far from the highway we find this hotel. Since the owner passed away 10 years ago, the park of over 3 hectares has turned into a real wilderness. It was a challenge to find our way through the jungle, to get to the lake and the pool. Read More

                Piscina Ottado

                  For many years, families from all over the region spent their summer days at this pool. While the children were going down one of the slides, their parents would enjoy sunbathing in the burning sun. Read More

                  Volvo House

                    Sometimes when driving, you think you see something out of the corner of your eye. And this one definitely was worth taking a closer look at.

                    Next to the road, this semi-detached house stands. Both of the houses are abandoned and locked. Through the window I could only see some stacks of moving boxes. On the front I found the two old cars which caught my attention. Read More

                    Miniera Rospo Grasso

                      You have to know that I don’t visit abandoned mines too often. This was only my second underground mine explore. In this mine, we found three old Rocker Shovels which were pretty cool, two locomotives and a lost ore cart. We were underground for more than four hours and even found some living creatures deep inside the mine! Read More

                      Stazione Troposcatter

                        In 1964/65 the NATO set up a radiocommunication and warning system called ACE High. Multiple troposcatter antennas were built from Norway to Turkey, through the allied countries. The system provided encrypted radio communication among NATO leaders. Read More

                        Lanificio GB

                          In the late 1830’s this wool mill was established. It was mainly focussed on the production of wool fabrics and later also on silk fabric. Around the 1920’s it merged with another wool mill. At the time, it had around 150 looms, a couple thousand spindles and about 250 employees. Read More

                          Teatro Balconi

                            This is presumably Italy’s most famous abandoned theatre. The beautifully decorated interior with red private viewing boxes and the slowly collapsing balcony make this a popular destination among urban explorers.
                            This historical theatre, built in the mid-19th century is a beautiful piece of art. There was room for over 300 visitors. On both sides of the stage there were VIP-boxes for the wealthy visitors who wanted the best view. Next to the VIP-boxes there were three layers of private boxes and opposite of the stage there was a balcony which offered space for about 50 spectators. Read More

                            Gasthaus Natur

                              Little is know about this abandoned hotel. It was built after the Second World War as a hotel and was owned by the DDR government. After the reunification it was sold and turned into a Chinese/pizza restaurant but eventually abandoned in 1995. Read More

                              Power Plant Luce Verde

                                Big industrial sites need a lot of energy. Sometimes it’s worth investing in an own power plant. In the 1940’s construction of this power plant started. Five turbines supplied power to the adjecent factory and in the 50’s one more turbine was added. 10 years later the big hall was expanded on the north side with space for one turbine and on the southern end with space for 2 turbines. Read More

                                Château B

                                  This château was built at the end of the 1860’s and it got abandoned after the last owner passed away after it’d been in the same family for over a century.

                                  After the abandonment, a fire destroyed half of the attic which accelerated the decay. The place became a hotspot for the local youth and adventure seekers and three years later a second fire destroyed another part of the attic. Read More

                                  Château des Démons

                                    The unique exterior of this château features statues of dogs with wings and dragons are overlooking the premises from the tower. The interior is well decorated and worth showing as well. On the ground floor there’s a big fireplace surrounded by beautiful woodwork and in the hallway the walls are decorated with tiles showing all kinds of animals. Read More

                                    Bureau d’Or

                                      The Bureau d’Or was built near the end of the 19th century and got expanded around the 1930’s in a 17th century style to match the château nextdoor. It served as the administration building for the adjecent blast furnace. Read More

                                      Manicomio di R

                                        In the 1870’s Manicomio di R was built. At the time, it was a small charity hospital and over the years it was expanded and transformed into a mental asylum which at its peak moment housed 1800 patients.
                                        In those manicomio’s the most cruel therapies were used to “cure” patients. From electroshock therapy to all kinds of new and experimental surgery on the nervous system. Read More

                                        Ostello Estivo

                                          In the summer this hostel was open for the children of employees of a large company. The concrete building was designed for a location near the sea, but was built in a mountain region instead. The construction cost was 1-2 billion Italian lire. Read More

                                          Château LTD

                                            In the 1860’s construction of this château started. It was built for a marquis and designed by an architect who went to a French art school. This architect also designed several other buildings in the same, unique style. The château in Renaissance style is very richly decorated with beautiful patterns in brick and amazing stucco. Unfortunately, due to a fire in the 1930’s the château was destroyed and never rebuilt, only the outer walls are still standing. Read More

                                            Palazzo G

                                              This historical villa is centuries old. Originally it used to be a castle, which has been extensively renovated several times to what it is today under the different ownerships it had. Read More

                                              Sala VF

                                                This hall was part of a large chemical factory which settled here in the 20th century. The large factory occupies more than 10 hectares and even had its own power plant.

                                                The machines in this hall were used to extract nitrogen from air. Some other halls are now being used for storage and some were opened up for sports clubs. Read More

                                                Château des Pierres Volées

                                                  It is said that in the 12th century a count built a château here. It was reconstructed a few centuries later. Over the years (and due to the French Revolution) it turned into a ruin. Near the end of the 18th century it was sold to some local farmers which tore down some of the walls and used the stones to construct their farmstead. Read More

                                                  Centrale Piccola Torre

                                                    In the 50’s, this thermoelectric power plant was built to use the lignite excavated from the adjacent mining field. Because of the lignite running out, a new power plant was built just around the corner. This one closed down in 2001. The turbines were dismantled and a part of the building was demolished. Only the control room and a small cooling tower remain. The rest of the buildings were gutted as well and vandals already found their way onto the premises. Read More

                                                    Palazzo di L dei Conti M

                                                      In a village with less than 1500 inhabitants we found this old palace from the 17th century. It was the summer residency of a count which lived the rest of the year in Turin. Read More

                                                      Città Storica

                                                        Italy is full of ghost towns, most of them have been abandoned due to earthquakes. This town dates back to at least the 8th century and has been hit by many earthquakes over the centuries.

                                                        In the 18th century it was hit by a severe earthquake which led to the loss of several tens of inhabitants. The town was rebuild but in the last half of the 20th century two massive earthquake destroyed many homes and killed over a dozen inhabitants. Read More

                                                        Ardoisière SB

                                                          This slate mine was opened 150 years ago and consists of a shaft of about 175 metres and a workshop where slates were chopped and cut. In the 1910’s the mine employed a few hundred workers and produced more than 10 million slates per year. Read More

                                                          Château Pentagon

                                                            Château Pentagon is a French château, built in the 14th century with various parts being added until the 17th century. During renovations the facades were redecorated in neo-Gothic style giving the château its current appearance. Read More

                                                            Aquaparc dei Conigli

                                                              Around the 1980’s this small amusement park opened, focussed on entertaining families. The park attracted most visitors in the summer months with the pool with several slides. For the rest the park consisted of a go karts track, swan boats, carousel, small ferris wheel and a couple of smaller attractions. Unfortunately the owner went bankrupt after the mid 00’s and the park closed down. There was a plan to reopen the park, but this never happened. Read More

                                                              Château du Blason

                                                                This château dates back to the 14th century and has been in the same family for centuries. The last resident was a journalist, writer, philosopher and poet. He passed away at the end of the 1990’s and a couple of years later his château was sold. Unfortunately it was left abandoned and the building has suffered a lot from the elements. Read More

                                                                Krankenhaus am Wald

                                                                  This hospital was a family business, it was handed down from one generation to another. It was established around the beginning of the 20th century and was specialised in internal diseases and rehabilitation of patients. Read More

                                                                  Centrale Idroelettrica V

                                                                    This hydroelectric power station was built in the 1910’s to supply power to the chemical plant on the premises. The power station consisted of seven Francis turbines that together produced almost 200 million kWh of electricity per year.

                                                                    During the Second World War the station was damaged heavily. After restorations the capacity was reduced by 30%. In the 70’s the power station was replaced by a new power station. Copper thieves then looted the abandoned site and took everything valuable. Read More

                                                                    VW Beetle Garage

                                                                      Next to a regional road in Belgium you can find this old garage. Attached to the garage there is a house which is also abandoned, but not worth a visit. Inside the garage there was an old red Volkswagen Beetle, just left behind. The plants hanging from the ceiling gave the scene an interesting look. Read More

                                                                      Les Calèches

                                                                        On my way to an abandoned manoir which I didn’t know anything about, I walked past another abandoned building. Looking through the windows I could see some old horse carriages. I found my way into the building and these two old carriages were standing here, between all kinds of decor elements. Read More

                                                                        Manicomio di V

                                                                          Back in the days, it was normal to seperate the ‘mad’ people from society by putting them into mental asylums. Patients were being tortured in all kinds of experiments because it was thought this was the only cure for their illnesses. Most people which were put into those manicomio’s were never released back into society and many even died here, as a result of their treatments. Read More

                                                                          Château des Singes

                                                                            Somewhere in the French countryside in a small village lies this vacated château. It was built in the 17th century and has quite an unique design. Featuring a beautiful entry hall with a stunning staircase and well-decorated rooms, this famous abandoned château attracts urbexers from all over Europe. Read More

                                                                            Steampunk Hydro Power Plant

                                                                              In the early 20th century a paper mill was built. A small hydroelectric powerplant with two turbines was added to provide power. The paper mill and powerplant were active until the 1950’s.

                                                                              The powerplant has a beautiful control panel made of (what looks like) marble plates with nicely decorated instruments. The back of the control panel has been gutted entirely but for the rest there were no traces of vandalism of any kind. Read More

                                                                              Scala Santa

                                                                                Scala Santa means “Holy Stairs”; the Holy Stairs consist of a set of stairs which pilgrims go up on their knees, praying on each step. On both sides, a normal set of stairs is leading down.

                                                                                This church started as a small altar, located in a cave. Eventually a church was built integrating the cave and the altar, in the 1830’s the Holy Stairs were added. Read More

                                                                                Mayday Mayday

                                                                                  This blue planes lies hidden in a Belgian forest. This forest served as a film set for a number of films and series and the plane appeared in a short film. It didn’t crash here though; it was brought here and after the shooting was finished it was simply left. Read More

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