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mental asylum

Manicomio di R

    In the 1870’s Manicomio di R was built. At the time, it was a small charity hospital and over the years it was expanded and transformed into a mental asylum which at its peak moment housed 1800 patients.
    In those manicomio’s the most cruel therapies were used to “cure” patients. From electroshock therapy to all kinds of new and experimental surgery on the nervous system. Read More

    Manicomio di V

      Back in the days, it was normal to seperate the ‘mad’ people from society by putting them into mental asylums. Patients were being tortured in all kinds of experiments because it was thought this was the only cure for their illnesses. Most people which were put into those manicomio’s were never released back into society and many even died here, as a result of their treatments. Read More

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