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Lanificio GB

    In the late 1830’s this wool mill was established. It was mainly focussed on the production of wool fabrics and later also on silk fabric. Around the 1920’s it merged with another wool mill. At the time, it had around 150 looms, a couple thousand spindles and about 250 employees. Read More

    Power Plant Luce Verde

      Big industrial sites need a lot of energy. Sometimes it’s worth investing in an own power plant. In the 1940’s construction of this power plant started. Five turbines supplied power to the adjecent factory and in the 50’s one more turbine was added. 10 years later the big hall was expanded on the north side with space for one turbine and on the southern end with space for 2 turbines. Read More

      Sala VF

        This hall was part of a large chemical factory which settled here in the 20th century. The large factory occupies more than 10 hectares and even had its own power plant.

        The machines in this hall were used to extract nitrogen from air. Some other halls are now being used for storage and some were opened up for sports clubs. Read More

        Ardoisière SB

          This slate mine was opened 150 years ago and consists of a shaft of about 175 metres and a workshop where slates were chopped and cut. In the 1910’s the mine employed a few hundred workers and produced more than 10 million slates per year. Read More

          Bergwerk W

            This mine was built in the early 20th century by the state owned mining company. For representative purposes the buildings were built with red bricks, featuring curved facades.

            Already in the 1920’s, the mine produced over 1 million tons of coal per year and at the start of the Second World War the mine saw an increasing demand of coal for use in the weapon and steel industry. After the war a new shaft was dug and the mine got modernized. Read More

            Pottery S

              At the end of the 18th this pottery was established. It’s first years were difficult and in the 1800’s it got in the hands of a German man. At this time, the pottery was mainly focussed on ceramic tiles. In addition, decorative and ornamental pieces were made, as well as crockery.

              The following century the pottery stayed in the same family. Business was going well and from the 1850’s-1860’s two new steam-powered factories were built. The pottery was considered one of Europe’s larges pottery’s at the time. After the annexation of Lorraine to Germany in 1871 the pottery expanded to two new locations in France. Read More

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